Education Technology Portfolio
Career Decision Making Lesson Plan
My Educational Philosophy
ISTE Standards
Matrix with Appendices
Guiding Questions MS Ed Tech
Capstone Narrative


Grades 9-12


Literacy Connections:


1.3   Students select and apply strategies to facilitate word recognition and develop vocabulary in order to comprehend text.

3.2    Students prepare, publish and/or present work appropriate to audience, purpose and task.

4.3  Students use Standard English for composing and revising written text.



Cooperative Work Education Content Standards Addressed:


1. Career Readiness

Students will assess and identify character traits, career interests and aptitudes in developing a career plan relative to labor trends of the global economy.

2. Career Acquisition


Students will become aware of skills, aptitudes and ethics required for employment acquisition in a competitive global marketplace.


4. Integrated Learning and Life Skills


Students will demonstrate how academic knowledge and skills are applied to the workplace, personal life and life-long learning.




Students will visit CT Works centers and/or local high school career centers to explore Department of Labor career resources, assessments and begin creating a Student Success Plan. 


Essential Question:


Do I shape my career path or does my career shape me?




Students will become aware of their own skills, aptitudes and values and how they match those required for employment in a competitive marketplace.


Students will begin creating a student success plan and write a reflection essay.



1.      In groups students complete Work Values Exercise

2.      Visit CT Works Centers and/or local high school career center for a tour of services and register for use of career center.

3.      Students choose 2-5 of the following assessments to complete:

Harrington O’Shea Career Decision Making interest assessment and/or

            Choices interest assessment,

online ONET skill assessments,

online personality inventory.

4.      In a table or chart, students list three jobs that match their profile.  Using online resources such as the Occupational Outlook Handbook, students identify the skills, education, salary and outlook for these jobs.

5.      Using the following resources:



      Students will identify where they may receive this training.

6.      Students compile data into Student Success Plan.

7.      Students complete essay reflecting on the following questions: 

·         brainstorm and imagine occupations related to each subject in which you are enrolled.

·         list five people who are currently employed, identify their jobs and list subjects or courses related to each job.




Students are given Career Decision Making rubric to self-evaluate.



Assessment Tool



Does not state


Significantly below standard


Below Standard


Meets Standard


Exceeds Standard


Can describe career-related interests, skills and values

No response

Description contains minimal reflection on assessments used

Description is clearly connected to assessments used; student could name 1-3 specific personal traits

Description is a good beginning to reflecting on assessments used; student could name 3 specific personal traits

Description is very insightful and reflects student assessment; student could name 4 or more personal traits

Can describe lifestyle budgeting needs

No response

Description is unrealistic

Description has some realistic reflections, but lacks consistency 

Description has many realistic reflections

Description is thoughtful and reflects realistic expectations in all cases

Can identify three or more specific jobs that match this profile

No response

Less than two are identified

2 are identified

3 are identified

3 or more are identified and are all appropriate

Can describe the requirements for these jobs

No response

Description is unclear, no connections are made

Requirements are listed, more information needs to be added

Description has clear connections to the job

Requirements are clearly connected and thoroughly descriptive

Can describe plan for meeting these requirements

No response

Plan has no goals

Plan has some goals, and 1-2 steps needed

Plan has goals and 2-3 appropriate steps needed

Plan has a clearly stated goal with 3 or more appropriate action steps needed to get to that goal.








Cyndi Wells
Education Technology Portfolio
Eastern Connecticut State University