6. How have you applied your understanding of the social, ethical, legal, and human issues
surrounding the use of technology in PK-12 schools in your practice as a teacher?
Teachers need to model appropriate use of technology in order for students to also use it appropriately. I make sure I take the time to learn the technical tools that I am offering to my classes, for example,
I attend trainings and/or I use the tools so I can have a deeper understanding of their concepts and procedures. When designing the curriculum, teachers need to be aware of the software and its social implications, in
addition to the technical infrastructure and curricular connectivity (Bielaczyc, 2006).
One of the programs that I use is Choices, which has a database of assessments measuring student interests, skills, values and aptitudes. The interest assessment is available in both English and Spanish, and I have been
able to better use it with the ELL population I work with. Being that it is an
independent activity so that students can make personal choices to help them identify several career relationships, it is
important that it is in their native tongue (Opitz and Harding De-Kam, 2007). In
addition, I also adapt this part of the activity by reading the questions to meet the needs of students with learning disabilities.
One of the lesson plans I developed, Ethics in the Workplace, has a case study regarding ethical issues regarding Web sites and plagarism, and
it generates discussions that lead to the work that the students will be doing in their online learning, projects and portfolio
development. In addition, before using online threaded discussions and chat rooms
we review expectations and roles using the proper methods of electronic communication.
Educators are responsible for both knowing the material that they are teaching and also assisting their students as
necessary. I ensure that my staff and/or I are available to tutor students as
necessary when using online learning tools, CD-ROMS and researching the Internet. I
ask my students to complete the “Wired for Work” assessment tool before using online learning, and I have found
that most have computer access with Internet access at home, but most do not have printers.
By offering a computer lab to students after school, and also providing transportation when necessary, students can
meet and work on the online learning. Also, collaborating with the community
is important in order to ensure that students can use the local library and/or identify other areas close to their homes with
computer and internet access. Simply offering the tool of technology and then
not differentiating within and supporting it is not an option.
Bielaczyc, K. (2006). Designing social infrastructure:
critical issues in creating learning environments with technology. The
Journal of Learning Sciences, 15(3), 301-329.
Opitz, M. and Harding-DeKam, J. (2007). Understanding
and teaching English language learners. Reading Teacher,
March 2007, 60(6), p. 590-593.